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Home > Case Studies > askUMA


By Gordon Dutch


askUMA is a cutting-edge software platform that contacted Re-Sauce for some initial sales advice back in October 2023. Ask UMA overlays with all the major VC platforms, MS Teams, Zoom, Webex and also integrates with most major brands of UC Hardware, such as Cisco, Poly, Jabra. Neat, Yealink and AMX, to name but a few… By integrating ask UMA with existing hardware in a building, ask UMA can utilise both existing and new sensors to monitor everything from attendance through to air quality and provides high-level reporting on energy use and use of the building overall, to maximise efficiency and sustainability. Ask UMA uses ethical AI to provide suggestions on building use, but always leaves the user with the final decision and often the platform covers its costs, many times over.


ask UMA were initially looking for some sales advice around their “Go to Market” proposition. CSO & Founder Stephen Milner wanted Re-Sauce’s opinion on how the platform was being sold. Gordon suggested that Stephen and ask UMA invested in to a “Stage 1 Report”, where Re-Sauce would meet with the Senior Leadership Team and Sales Teams to review the platform, understand the USP’s and then help provide some strategic advice.


Stephen therefore organised a meeting with Gordon at Re-Sauce, along with himself, ask UMA’s CEO and Sales Team. The ask UMA team presented their current sales deck and strategy, which Re-Sauce reviewed. Gordon requested a lot of information around the various pricing models ask UMA offered and how these were communicated. After the meeting, Re-Sauce undertook a full review of ask UMA’s marketing collateral, including a technical review of their website/SEO, a review of all their pricing and sales decks. Re-Sauce then delivered ask UMA with the promised Stage 1 Report, that came back with a whole raft of ideas and suggestions to help them improve sales. Stephen Milner was good enough to provide some feedback on this experience as below.


“Even from the initial meeting with Gordon and Re-Sauce, it was very clear that Re-Sauce operated at a higher-level than any other Business Consultancy or PR Agency I had ever met. Re-Sauce’s deep knowledge and understanding of the Global AV Business and their width of contacts is simply staggering. Gordon made us review and question every area of the business, from the way we referred to ourselves internally, right through to the way we presented to End Clients and our customers.


This intensive review led to an upgrade on the previous logo brand manual, to ensure it carried a new “tag line” that explained everything we did in one sentence… After re-branding, Re-Sauce helped us re-build the previous website and completely change the delivery of our messaging. Whilst we had always been very good at explaining what we did from a technical standpoint, we really hadn’t explained the incredible value we delivered to both the End User and the Channel.


Re-Sauce helped us completely re-wrote our value proposition to both the End User and the Channel, suggested a new “tiered pricing”, where we able to compete price wise with all of the regular “room booking” apps/platforms, but blow them out of the water value wise at the higher-end. All supported by a clear upsell strategy, which really delivered for the End User, Channel and indeed ask UMA. It really was a win, win, win and so End Users and the Channel finally really understood what we were capable of delivering to them and our sales grew exponentially.


After the initial project, Re-Sauce helped us book a booth at ISE 2024 and organised a large number of low cost and free speaking opportunities at the show. They reached out to their huge database of AV Consultants, System Integrators, VAR’s, other Brands we wanted to work with and of course the Global AV Press and delivered a high number of top-level introductions. These meetings have already delivered a Year-on-Year growth for ask UMA of over 270% in just a very short period.


Going forward, we are now using Re-Sauce for all our Global Press, PR, Website, Digital Marketing, Case Studies, Video’s and Awards Entries. We have asked Gordon if he would join the business as a Global Advisor and help introduce potential investors and help guide us, as we transition from a UK only business into a truly Global Business and I am truly excited about what that looks like. I can honestly say, in over 20 years in the AV and IT business, I have never met anyone like Gordon and Re-Sauce. Re-Sauce were able to completely change the way we looked at ourselves and created a seismic shift in what we were able to deliver. I can’t thank Gordon and the Re-Sauce Team enough for what they have done for our business.” - Stephen Milner – Founder & CSO at ask UMA

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Here’s what our Industry Colleagues say about us...

Peerless-AV would like to pay tribute to the incredible work Gordon and his team have done since 2009. It’s sales and brand awareness since we launched Peerless-AV EMEA in 2009 has been massive. Gordon’s strategic leadership and incredible work ethic, along with the dynamic leadership of a best-in-class team, which he assembled, has led Peerless-AV to the forefront of the AV businesses.

John Potts

Global President & CEO of Peerless-AV

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