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B2B Marketing in the CE, IT & AV Industries - Part 1

By Gordon Dutch, Stuart Coe & Emily Fox


As I hope you would agree, Re-Sauce has had a reasonable amount of success getting our new venture ‘out there’ in the global press. Followed up by some quality editorial features on why we are ‘different’ to other businesses that might operate in some of the areas that we serve.

The ‘Electronics’ business is, by its very nature, all about relationships and never is this more true than with the IT, CE & Pro-AV trade press. We are very lucky to have an array of top-notch CE, IT & AV magazines written and edited by people who are, not only highly knowledgeable but also enjoy the industries they work in.

This is great news for a business that takes the press seriously, as it allows you to engage with exciting editorial and case studies. In our opinion, a page or two of good editorial, can be very beneficial to a brand or business, even more so than advertising. What can be better than someone else saying you do a great job? 😊  In our experience, it is also important to understand that all these magazines need revenue to continue their great work. To be clear, in most developed markets these magazines are not ‘pay to play’. The magazine editors choose stories on merit alone. However, we feel that it is always important to support those titles back with some brand advertising, sponsor their awards or some other way of assisting them. After all, without them, where would we be?

To create and deliver quality editorial or content, you need a company like Re-sauce. We know what editorial works for the various magazines, we know their readership and how to maximise their effect.

Of course, we don’t want to give all our secrets away, but how you go to market with your site, trade messages, video, multi-media content is critical to the success of any campaign or brand.

With so many currently working from home, making it easy for people to access and consume your marketing is also essential and at Re-Sauce we like to do this in a number of ways.

It’s not about you?

When it comes to B2C, marketers often find that connecting with their customers through emotion is the winning strategy. More often than not, a B2C sale is very much led by how the product makes you feel, as opposed to the technical details. 

In the B2B world, it's easy to see how we can fail to think with emotion. You may think your product is a ‘need’ rather than a want. You may be tempted to reel off the functional features of your product or service - the facts and figures as opposed to the emotional elements that focus on how your customer will feel by working with you. 

However, the emotions that influence B2B sales are often different to B2C. B2C buyers are influenced by things such as impulse, love and appearance. B2B buyers tend to be influenced differently. It could be the fear of making a bad decision or frustration that their current solution is causing anxiety. Confidence and trust also affect the decisions of a B2B buyer.

Therefore, if you want to know more on how to create an effective B2B campaign, make sure you read part 2 of this blog next week or simply contact us here via and we will be very happy to assist. 

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Here’s what our Industry Colleagues say about us...

Peerless-AV would like to pay tribute to the incredible work Gordon and his team have done since 2009. It’s sales and brand awareness since we launched Peerless-AV EMEA in 2009 has been massive. Gordon’s strategic leadership and incredible work ethic, along with the dynamic leadership of a best-in-class team, which he assembled, has led Peerless-AV to the forefront of the AV businesses.

John Potts

Global President & CEO of Peerless-AV

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